Snap Chunk Charms
Story Lockets
Miscellaneous Jewelry

Are you interested in buying Snap Chunk Charms Jewelry or Story Lockets.  Please click on the links to see what I have available and prices.

Snap Chunk Charms

Story Lockets

Miscellaneous Jewelry


Find interesting information about ME . . .

At present, my web site is still under construction. I am making every effort to put this site together with a wealth of information on some of my favorite hobbies.  Please check back again later.

In the meantime you can reach me at hdwdfloors@verizon.net. I look forward to hearing from you.

Find interesting information about STAMP COLLECTING . . .

I am an avid stamp collector.  I would like to share the knowledge.

Find interesting information about DEPRESSION GLASS and collecting . . .

So you want to collect depression glass . . .  Where to start . . . ?


Click here to see some beautiful patterns and for how-to instructions.


Click here to see some of my finished projects.

Who doesn't like BOOKS . . .

Some titles that are definitely worth reading . . .
